Friday, June 19, 2009

Session #6: Nualia


Uzbad Grokk Lodeseeker: 4th level Dwarven fighter
Valdaire Fireseeker: 3rd level Elven wizard
Tyack: 3rd level Varisian monk/sorcerer
Nando: 3rd level Shoanti rogue
Bock: 3rd level Shoanti ranger


The adventure began as the heroes were resting overnight in the Thistlewood dungeons near the prison area. Prior to dawn, Nualia and two yeth hounds came across the party near the temple to Lamashtu, where Valdaire was keeping watch. Attempting to flank the party, Nualia entered through the temple while her faithful yeth hounds chased the heroes through the south temple doors. Grokk turned and held his position to prevent the hounds from getting through, while Nualia engaged Nando and Bock in the temple proper. Valdaire fell under the effects of the yeth hounds' bay, and panicked.

Bock and Nando dispatched Nualia surprisingly quickly, and not long after, the yeth hounds were pulled away back to their primary plane of existence. As the party approached Nualia's body, they saw a faint apparition of the late Father Ezakien Tobyn appear and say a quick, silent prayer over his dead adopted daughter's body, then nod in thanks, and move on in peace. After searching Nualia's items, the heroes discussed options for dealing with their prisoners, as well as how far to explore.

Eventually, after a few more hours of rest, the party continued to venture into the deepest level of the dungeon, but this time with the aid of some information gained from one of their captives, Orik Vancaskerkin - a Riddleport henchman who had made a poor choice of employment several weeks ago. Following his advice, the party avoided a lethal portcullis trap with slashing statues and eventually found Nualia's private study, filled with books, journals, and scrolls that they would later study in depth. Orik warned the party that another room contained "Shadows from Hell" and that not even Nualia wanted to enter that room.

The heroes decided at that point to return to Sandpoint with their treasure and prisoners, though they chose to let Orik go free in exchange for his information. Several meetings with Sheriff Hemlock, Mayor Deverin, Father Zantus, and Shalelu (who had been with them on the journey) occurred, highlighted by a town council meeting with statements for the citizens of Sandpoint, introductions to the four ruling families, and presentation of royal purple Varisian scarves of heroism.

After a couple of days of poring over Nualia's journals, books, and notes, the heroes gained enough information to compose their thesis presentation for possible admittance into the Pathfinder Society. They also visited with Father Zantus about the existence of a possible demon named Malfeshnikor, and Valdaire worked on transcribing spells into his book.

Grokk, Valdaire, and Tyack took one day to return to Thistletop with Father Zantus and a guard named Cam. They showed Zantus around the complex and he sensed a strong presence of evil emanating from the secret room that they felt the demon resided within. The heroes chose to destroy the shadows in the far chamber, which proved to be relatively simple with the aid of divination protection spells from Father Zantus and arcane defenses cast by Valdaire and Tyack.

A secret door was discovered in the shadow room, where the building's architects were buried, and it led to a collapsed ancient treasury room filled with coins and a large giant sized helmet five feet wide. Inside the helmet was a huge crab, that defended itself as the party pounded it from all sides. The heroes fished out many coins, gems, and managed to drag the helmet up to the next level. It appears that there is an underwater crack which leads to a short tunnel into the Thistletop dungeons.

The party will leave soon for Magnimar, with their prisoners, Shalelu, Ameiko Kaijitsu, and a few guards in tow. There, they plan to proceed with the initiation process in a meeting with Eando Kline, the Pathfinder venture-captain of Magnimar.


Grokk: 8,650 total
Valdaire: 7,810 total

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