Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Session #4: Clearing the Catacombs


Uzbad Grokk Lodeseeker (2nd level Dwarven fighter)
Valdaire (2nd level Elven wizard)
Tyack (2nd level Varisian sorcerer)
Nando (2nd level Shoanti rogue)
Bock (2nd level Shoanti ranger)


The heroes returned to the catacombs beneath the Sandpoint glassworks to continue exploring the mysterious ancient catacombs that served as the home to a diminutive, ancient green spellcasting fey creature that chased them out last session. After defeating her following a successful stunning fist attack and subsequent grapple, the party moved deeper into the halls. They discovered, and fought, a vargouille, three more pale demonic clawed creatures as yet unidentified, and Koruvus the goblin hero (albeit mutated and now an abomination).

In addition to the unique encounters, they discovered an ancient prison, a couple of pools of water, a mysterious altar with orange bubbling fluid (disposed of by Uzbad Grokk's own blood), a torture chamber with attached study, a room full of pits containing zombies, and a unique spherical meditation chamber with a permanent levitation force within.

The catacombs are now believed to be clear of imminent danger, and the mysterious well of bubbling orange liquid used to summon evil spawn creatures has apparently been depleted. The party plans to aid in efforts by Mayor Deverin to clean up the catacombs and possibly wall up the access to the sea that the goblins had apparently used. Shalelu Andosar should be returning shortly from her scouting trip to Thistletop, and that is the most likely destination for next session.


Tyack: (1,585 - Group, Journal, Time)
Uzbad: (1,585 - Group, Journal, Time)
Nando: (1,385 - Group, Time)
Valdaire: (1,400 - Group, Time, Singing)
Bock: (1,385 - Group, Time)

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