Saturday, June 27, 2009

Session #8: The Skinsaw Man


Uzbad Grokk Lodeseeker: 5th level Dwarven Fighter
Tyack: 4th level Varisian Monk/Sorcerer
Valdaire Fireseeker: 4th level Elven Wizard
Nando Gemseeker: 4th level Shoanti Rogue


Before the heroes were able to head down to Foxglove Manor, the town was accosted by old Farmer Grump, claiming that monsters were overrunning the countryside to the south of town, killing men, women, and children. "They even ate the dogs!" he cried, begging for help.

The heroes mounted up, having been deputized by Sheriff Hemlock, and rode across the western farmlands near the Hambley farm (where the monsters had been spotted) and warned the neighboring farms to remain alert and stay indoors. They encountered a couple of ghouls, one of which nearly killed Harold the guard. The party finally made it back to the Rusty Dragon by 4am and went to sleep, a guard posted outside to prevent disruption.

The next day the heroes (known hereafter as the "Seekers") headed toward Hambley Farm to rid the area of ghouls and to search for survivors. They encountered nearly a dozen ghouls in and around the farm, being led by a dread ghoul that they later discovered was Rogors Craesby, the caretaker of the Foxglove Manor. They also rescued a middle-age woman and a teen boy named Jeb Hambley, both victims of ghoul fever but who had not yet turned.

After making sure that the farmlands were safe, the Seekers turned their attention to Foxglove Manor, heading out the following day despite warnings from Father Zantus and others about how dangerous it might be because it was haunted. Following the Lost Coast road and then Foxglove Path, they reached the manor in the early morning, seeing that it was clearly haunted and negected.

After encountering several creepy haunts and dangerous rooms, the party decided to leave the house, burning it down in the process. However, they were attacked by undead ravens and crows in the shape of three "carrion storms" - thousands of ghoul-fed birds intent on protecting the manor. Fortunately the characters were able to dispatch the evil flocks (murders?) before much harm could come to them. After setting fire to the front doors and retreating to the other side of the bay, the Seekers realized that the house would not burn for some supernatural reason.

They returned to town, rested up and planned for a second assault the next day. When they returned, they removed the front doors and proceeded to focus primarily on the lower levels. After clearing out the basement, they found a spiral stair leading down into some caverns, clearly not a part of the manor blueprints that Hemlock had provided. They crept down and found the caverns filled with ghouls and a giant ghoulish bat, which put up a hell of a fight.

Eventually the heroes came to a room that held Aldern Foxglove. Upon entering it, it became clear that he was mentally deranged, talking to himself and seemingly changing his appearance. The party concluded that he was too far gone and attacked. Aldern transformed into "The Skinsaw Man" midway through the fight, slashing with his war razor and ghoul attacks. The fight did not last more than four rounds before Aldern was put out of his misery.

Investigating the room, along with clues picked up from the upper levels, the party concluded that Aldern's grandfather (the original occupant of the manor) had attempted to turn into a lich, but had not succeeded, thus allowing his spirit to take over the house in unrest. They destroyed the fungal growth that seemed to trap his soul in the caverns, looted the area and headed back to town. The party also retrieved Aldern's keys to his townhouse and a safe in Magnimar, where the party hopes to find more explanations and possibly treasure.

Total Experience thus far:

Uzbad Grokk: 14,949

Session #7: Trials and Tribulations


Valdaire: 4th level Elven Wizard
Tyack: 4th level Varisian Sorcerer/Monk
Grokk: 4th level Dwarven Fighter
Nando: 4th level Shoanti Rogue


The heroes, having ended the immediate threat that Nualia and her minions posed, escorted the two prisoners (Tsuto and Lyrie) down to Magnimar to stand trial before Justice Ironbriar. There, the two were found guilty of their various crimes and received sentences of at least ten years in the Hells, the Magnimar prison.

While they were in town, Valdaire, Grokk, and Tyack spent some time with Eando Kline in the Pathfinder Lodge. They each submitted their Pathfinder Society Thesis, which impressed Eando enough to initiate them as new members. After spending a bit of time visiting with the Magnimar venture-captain, the three rounded up Nando and returned to Sandpoint with a Pathfinder cleric named Ione to do more research into Malfeshnekor up at Thistletop.

Two weeks went by of various activities, with the heroes getting to know some of the locals a bit better, and in some cases getting into awkward situations. After a couple of weeks, however, the characters were all back together in town. Following the engagement announcement of Ameiko Kaijitsu and Belven Valdemar, it seemed that Sandpoint would finally turn the corner.

However, the characters were awakened one morning by deputies who escorted them to Sheriff Hemlock's office at the Garrison. It seemed that a horrible murder had taken place late in the previous evening. The heroes followed Hemlock to the grisly scene at the Scarnetti Lumber Mill. There, they discovered that one of the mill workers (Banny Harker) and his lover (Katrine Vender) were brutally slain. Even more disturbing was the implication that Banny was killed in some sort of ritualistic fashion, with a threatening note pinned to his chest implicating Tyack.

The four characters spent much of the morning investigating the crime scene, including Banny's townhouse. Later, they investigated the scene of an earlier murder involving three men that the sheriff didn't tell them about at first. Once it became obvious that this was a serial murderer at large, the party headed down to Habe's Sanatorium to question the lone survivor of the earlier attack, Grayst Sevilla. After trying to obtain answers from him, it became clear that he had turned into a ghoul and he attacked the party but was put down quickly.

With evidence suggesting that Aldern Foxglove may be in trouble or involved, the party decided to head down to his manor the following day.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Session #6: Nualia


Uzbad Grokk Lodeseeker: 4th level Dwarven fighter
Valdaire Fireseeker: 3rd level Elven wizard
Tyack: 3rd level Varisian monk/sorcerer
Nando: 3rd level Shoanti rogue
Bock: 3rd level Shoanti ranger


The adventure began as the heroes were resting overnight in the Thistlewood dungeons near the prison area. Prior to dawn, Nualia and two yeth hounds came across the party near the temple to Lamashtu, where Valdaire was keeping watch. Attempting to flank the party, Nualia entered through the temple while her faithful yeth hounds chased the heroes through the south temple doors. Grokk turned and held his position to prevent the hounds from getting through, while Nualia engaged Nando and Bock in the temple proper. Valdaire fell under the effects of the yeth hounds' bay, and panicked.

Bock and Nando dispatched Nualia surprisingly quickly, and not long after, the yeth hounds were pulled away back to their primary plane of existence. As the party approached Nualia's body, they saw a faint apparition of the late Father Ezakien Tobyn appear and say a quick, silent prayer over his dead adopted daughter's body, then nod in thanks, and move on in peace. After searching Nualia's items, the heroes discussed options for dealing with their prisoners, as well as how far to explore.

Eventually, after a few more hours of rest, the party continued to venture into the deepest level of the dungeon, but this time with the aid of some information gained from one of their captives, Orik Vancaskerkin - a Riddleport henchman who had made a poor choice of employment several weeks ago. Following his advice, the party avoided a lethal portcullis trap with slashing statues and eventually found Nualia's private study, filled with books, journals, and scrolls that they would later study in depth. Orik warned the party that another room contained "Shadows from Hell" and that not even Nualia wanted to enter that room.

The heroes decided at that point to return to Sandpoint with their treasure and prisoners, though they chose to let Orik go free in exchange for his information. Several meetings with Sheriff Hemlock, Mayor Deverin, Father Zantus, and Shalelu (who had been with them on the journey) occurred, highlighted by a town council meeting with statements for the citizens of Sandpoint, introductions to the four ruling families, and presentation of royal purple Varisian scarves of heroism.

After a couple of days of poring over Nualia's journals, books, and notes, the heroes gained enough information to compose their thesis presentation for possible admittance into the Pathfinder Society. They also visited with Father Zantus about the existence of a possible demon named Malfeshnikor, and Valdaire worked on transcribing spells into his book.

Grokk, Valdaire, and Tyack took one day to return to Thistletop with Father Zantus and a guard named Cam. They showed Zantus around the complex and he sensed a strong presence of evil emanating from the secret room that they felt the demon resided within. The heroes chose to destroy the shadows in the far chamber, which proved to be relatively simple with the aid of divination protection spells from Father Zantus and arcane defenses cast by Valdaire and Tyack.

A secret door was discovered in the shadow room, where the building's architects were buried, and it led to a collapsed ancient treasury room filled with coins and a large giant sized helmet five feet wide. Inside the helmet was a huge crab, that defended itself as the party pounded it from all sides. The heroes fished out many coins, gems, and managed to drag the helmet up to the next level. It appears that there is an underwater crack which leads to a short tunnel into the Thistletop dungeons.

The party will leave soon for Magnimar, with their prisoners, Shalelu, Ameiko Kaijitsu, and a few guards in tow. There, they plan to proceed with the initiation process in a meeting with Eando Kline, the Pathfinder venture-captain of Magnimar.


Grokk: 8,650 total
Valdaire: 7,810 total

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Session #5: Thistletop


Bock (3rd level Shoanti ranger)
Valdaire (3rd level Elven wizard)
Uzbad Grokk Lodeseeker (3rd level Dwarven fighter)
Nando (3rd level Shoanti rogue)
Tyack (3rd level Varisian monk/sorcerer)


The heroes met with Shalelu Andosana, Mayor Deverin, and Sheriff Hemlock after his return to Sandpoint with reinforcements. With the Catacombs of Wrath cleared out and safe underneath town, the players decided to assault Thistletop, the goblin fortress north of the Nettlewood, and forces led by Warchief Ripnugget. It was there that they believed they would find the main goblin threat as well as Nualia, the daughter of Ezakien Tobyn, the former priest of Sandpoint. Shalelu relayed some information about the goblins and their location as well, and agreed to accompany the heroes on their short journey.

Bypassing many locations in the Nettle tunnel complex, the party crossed the long, unstable wooden rope bridge that spans across the bay onto the unusually shaped rock that holds the Thistletop stockade atop like a crown. The party entered the stockade and avoided raising the alarm by silently and swiftly eliminating goblin resistance. Eventually they came upon the throne room and fought Ripnugget (astride his giant gecko, Stickfoot), three goblin commandos, and a warchanter. The battle was over relatively unceremoniously, and the heroes were feeling confident.

Once the main level was cleaned out, except for a few goblins that remained outside the now-barricaded main doors, the heroes descended down to the next level. There they encountered a couple of human accomplices. One was a dark skinned spellcaster with braided hair who attempted to flee. The other was a strong fighter with an impressive masterwork steel shield. Both were subdued and captured for later interrogation. The party also defeated Bruthasmus the Bugbear, considered a local goblin hero. In one of the more memorable scenes of their young careers, Bruthasmus missed Valdaine with his surprise attack from his bow (Valdain had earlier cast Protection from Missiles, unbeknownst to the monster!). The first three heroes to respond quickly dispatched the menace with a series of critical hits and an incredibly damaging scorching ray. Bruthasmus dropped in less than one round. His goblin henchmen panicked and fled, only one making his way across the rope bridge to warn the others.

The heroes also discovered a chapel dedicated to Lamashtu, where they defeated two Yeth hounds, and also narrowly saved Nando's life after he was slowly being crushed and gouged by a mysterious tentacled creature that craved living organs. A spectacular, albeat half-starved, warhorse was also discovered in a rudimentary stable in the goblin courtyard. The party agreed to leave it for now and plans to return to Sandpoint with it. The horse had apparently been too much for the goblins who captured it, killing two of them with its strong kicks.

The party ended the marathon session by resting at the base of the stairs leading down into the dungeon, near a small prison room where they are holding their captives. They sense they are nearing the conclusion of the introductory portion of this massive adventure path....


Uzbad Grokk: 2,415 (session, journal, time) for a total of 6,375 xp
Valdaire: 2,415 (session, journal, time) for a total of 5,635 xp
Tyack: 2,290 (session, journal) for a total of 5,775 xp
Nando: 1,990 (session) for a total of 5,270 xp
Bock: 2,115 (session, time) for a total of 5,400 xp

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Session #4: Clearing the Catacombs


Uzbad Grokk Lodeseeker (2nd level Dwarven fighter)
Valdaire (2nd level Elven wizard)
Tyack (2nd level Varisian sorcerer)
Nando (2nd level Shoanti rogue)
Bock (2nd level Shoanti ranger)


The heroes returned to the catacombs beneath the Sandpoint glassworks to continue exploring the mysterious ancient catacombs that served as the home to a diminutive, ancient green spellcasting fey creature that chased them out last session. After defeating her following a successful stunning fist attack and subsequent grapple, the party moved deeper into the halls. They discovered, and fought, a vargouille, three more pale demonic clawed creatures as yet unidentified, and Koruvus the goblin hero (albeit mutated and now an abomination).

In addition to the unique encounters, they discovered an ancient prison, a couple of pools of water, a mysterious altar with orange bubbling fluid (disposed of by Uzbad Grokk's own blood), a torture chamber with attached study, a room full of pits containing zombies, and a unique spherical meditation chamber with a permanent levitation force within.

The catacombs are now believed to be clear of imminent danger, and the mysterious well of bubbling orange liquid used to summon evil spawn creatures has apparently been depleted. The party plans to aid in efforts by Mayor Deverin to clean up the catacombs and possibly wall up the access to the sea that the goblins had apparently used. Shalelu Andosar should be returning shortly from her scouting trip to Thistletop, and that is the most likely destination for next session.


Tyack: (1,585 - Group, Journal, Time)
Uzbad: (1,585 - Group, Journal, Time)
Nando: (1,385 - Group, Time)
Valdaire: (1,400 - Group, Time, Singing)
Bock: (1,385 - Group, Time)

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Session #3: Into the Catacombs


Tyack, level 2 Varisian sorcerer
Nando, level 2 Shoanti rogue
Uzbad Grokk, level 2 Dwarven fighter
Valdaire, level 2 Elven Wizard
Bock, level 2 Shoanti ranger


While waiting for Sheriff Belor Hemlock to return to Sandpoint with reinforcements, the heroes opt to investigate the mysterious underground tunnel leading from the glassworks. After discovering it not only leads to a cave by the ocean, providing access for goblins, they also discover it leads to an area far more ancient and more disturbing than anyone realized.

The party defeats a strange creature with a mutated jaw, then proceeds to enter ancient stone catacombs. They encounter a red marble statue of a beautiful, yet horrific woman, and take her masterwork weapon, a ranseur. They later come across a small shrine of sorts, with black marble filled with filthy water which they cleaned out. After going through two steel reinforced double doors, the heroes encounter a strange, ancient creature resembling a miniature crazed old hag with bat wings and spell casting abilities. During the encounter she summoned another one of the demonic creatures they fought earlier, as well as several monstrous spiders. Her ability to become invisible at will, cast powerful magic, and avoid physical damage forced the party to retreat, with their friend Nando near death.

While Tyack and Bock chose to remain near the entrace and rest, the other three heroes chose to explore around the Devil's Platter for the rest of the day, finally returning covered in filth and slime but in jovial spirits. The sheriff returned from Magnimar, and the next session will begin with a meeting at the garrison.


Uzbad Grokk: 920xp (Epic, time, journal, side-trek) 2,475 Total
Nando: 695xp (Epic, time, side-trek) 1,895 Total
Valdaire: 800xp (Epic, blog, journal, side-trek) 1,595 Total
Tyack: 695xp (Epic, time, journal) 1,900 Total
Bock: 695xp (Epic, time, journal) 1,900 Total
Shin: n/a (still recovering at temple) 530 total

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Session #2: Murder at the Glassworks


Tyack (1st level Varisian sorcerer)
Nando (1st level Shoanti rogue)
Uzbad Grokk (1st level Dwarf fighter)
Bock (1st level Shoanti ranger)
Valdaire (1st level Elven wizard)


After returning to Sandpoint, the heroes met with Sheriff Belor, Mayor Deverin, and Shalelu Andosar. They learned more about the goblin threats in the area and volunteered to stay in town for a couple of days while the sheriff visits Magnimar for reinforcements. That evening consisted of scouting Junker's Edge and losing at Goblin Poker.

The following morning on Toilday, the party discovered that Ameiko Kaijitsu, proprietor of Rusty Dragon, was missing. Following leads, they visited the Glassworks and encountered goblins and half-brother Tsuto Kaijitsu in the forge room amidst a ghastly murder scene involving all the employees and the owner, Lonjiku. The party dispatched of the goblins and captured Tsuto, turning him over to the garrison.

In the basement, the adventurers discovered Ameiko, held prisoner by her own brother. Upon her release, several members chose to rest in town while Uzbad Grokk and Valdaire explored the Devil's Platter, encountering a small group of goblins and their war dog. Grokk and Valdaire also gathered a lot of information about Sandpoint, its rumors and its people. The heroes plan to explore a recently exposed tunnel leading from the cellar.


Tyack: 420 + 200 (blog & journal) + 75 (on-time) = 675
Nando: 420 + 200 (blog & journal) + 75 (on-time) = 675
Uzbad: 420 + 250 (blog, journal, mini) + 75 (time) + 300 = 1,025
Bock: 420 + 200 (blog & journal) + 75 = 675
Valdaire: 420 + 75 (time) + 300 = 795

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Session #1: The Adventure Begins

Tyack - Varisian sorcerer
Nando - Shoanti rogue
Uzbad Grokk Lodeseeker - Dwarven fighter
Shin - Shoanti ranger
Bock - Shoanti ranger

The heroes arrived in Sandpoint for the Swallowtail Festival, the consecration of the new church, and to seek out a Pathfinder named Shalelu. During the ceremony, goblins staged a raid in the center of town, causing minimal civilian casualties but creating a massive distraction and creating panic. During the battle, Tyack and Grokk helped save a local nobleman named Aldern Foxglove, who promised each of them a reward. Once the heroes helped drive the goblins away, it is discovered that the body of Ezakien Tobyn, the former high priest, had been dug up and removed during the raid.

The following morning the party investigated the graveyard with Sheriff Belor Hemlock and followed goblin and human-sized tracks out of town, through the Tickwood, past Pauper's Graves, and into the Nettlewood. There, they found a tangled maze of nettle-tunnels that appeared to lead to Thistletop, an old fortress located on a small island just off the coast.

After being attacked by a large, vicious "seal" creature in an underground watery cave and the near death of Shin, the party retreated back to Sandpoint to heal up and check on the Sheriff and his people.

XP Earned:
Each hero received 480 xp for the adventure, plus 50 bonus xp for their singing contribution!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Welcome to the Pathfinder Campaign

Several young heroes from the lands of Varisia have chosen to pursue a career as a Pathfinder in the world of Golarion. Their journals shall document their travels and adventures, and serve as evidence of their success to their respective venture-captains. In addition to providing copies of said journals, the Dungeon Master will also provide short, factual documentation to summarize the major events of each session, lest one forget some important details or, Gods forbid, miss an exciting session of play!